Members of the Jefferson Stratford Hospital Emergency Department team with Jefferson Health – New Jersey Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer Helene Burns, (far right) are, from left, Sharon Flood; Nurse Manager Stephanie Maxwell; Steven Grille, Christina Weber, Valerie Garcia, Lisa Caudill, Sara Seidman, Amanda Colindrez, Jeremy Smith, Janine Rodriguez, and Tracy Coleman.
The Emergency Department (ED) staff at Jefferson Stratford Hospital were recently honored with the 2020 DAISY Team Award for providing extraordinary, compassionate and skillful care amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Patient Care Services Coordinators Tracy Coleman and Steven Grille nominated their colleagues for going “above and beyond” during an incredibly busy evening that saw multiple patients simultaneously needing high-level care at change-of-shift.
“I’m always amazed by this team. I always call them the ‘little engine that could,’ ” said Diane Juliano, corporate director of nursing at Jefferson Stratford Hospital. “No matter the challenge put in front of them, they get it done.”
Part of an international program, DAISY honorees are nominated by patients, family members, and colleagues for demonstrating excellence through clinical expertise, extraordinary compassionate care, and a high level of professionalism.
The nonprofit DAISY Foundation was established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who died in 1999 from complications of an auto-immune disease. The care Patrick and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired this unique way of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patients’ families.
For more information about the DAISY Award, visit www.DAISYfoundation.org.