‘Testing the Waters,’ 30 x 36 acrylic, 2021 C.D .Viera
“Same Thing Only Different” is the second one-person exhibition at the A-Space for Charles David Viera, an artist of diverse talents. In this exhibition, animal images move across the paintings, figures engage in haunting psychological scenarios, while line and color interact in an abstract world on other canvases but all from the same artist’s hand.

‘Blue Gators’ 18 x 24 acrylic, 2021C.D.Viera
“My letter of rejection from Yale University’s Masters program in the ’70s stated “lack of direction” as a reason for that rejection,” Viera said. “This bothered and frustrated me for years as I struggled to create hundreds of works that were noticeably similar to prove some sort of creative maturity that those paintings would represent only to settle in on 20 or so works and then lose interest.This approach was stifling for me as one who loves the variety of artists and painting styles and the many things an artist can do on a two dimensional surface.I was well into my 50s before I stopped trying to harness my talents to that idea and started painting what I wanted, when I wanted and how I wanted and that is when the creative output exploded.There are really only a few basic rules of color and composition that work for most stylistic trends in painting and this exhibition is a series of varied examples of those rules ,hence the title “Same Thing Only Different.”
Viera’s artwork has been exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum, the Nassau County Museum, and locally at the Ellarslie Museum in Trenton among others. He has taught at the Parsons School of Design, Pratt Institute in New York City and is currently an instructor at the Arts Council of Princeton and for Readington Township in New Jersey..
To view the exhibition and find more about Viera’s work and classes, visit charlesdavidviera.com and newhopearts.orgTel. 215-862-9606
The New Hope Arts Center – A-Space is located at 2 Stockton Ave, New Hope, Pa. The exhibit is set for Oct. 2-31.
Opening reception: Saturday, Oct 2, 3 to 6 p.m.
Gallery Talk: Sunday, Oct. 31, noon to 1 p.m.
Gallery Hours: Friday, 1 to 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, from noon to 6 p.m.
For information, call 215-862-9606 or visit newhopearts.org.